Setting Up CloudStack Networking: Demystifying Zones, Pods, and Networks

3 min readMay 2, 2024



As cloud infrastructure becomes increasingly essential, understanding how to set up networking for users is crucial. In this blog post, we’ll explore the concepts of zones, pods, and networks in Apache CloudStack. Whether you’re a CloudStack administrator or an enthusiast, this guide will provide valuable insights.


A zone in CloudStack represents a distinct availability domain within your cloud infrastructure. When adding a new zone, you’ll configure its physical network, along with other essential components like pods, clusters, hosts, primary storage, and secondary storage. Here are the key points about zones:

  1. Types of Zones:
  • Basic Zone: Simplest form, suitable for small deployments.
  • Advanced Zone: Offers more flexibility and features, including advanced networking options.

2. Physical Networks in Zones:

  • Set up physical networks within each zone.
  • Configure different providers (e.g., Cisco, Juniper firewalls) for the same service on a single physical network.


A pod is a grouping of clusters within a zone. It helps organize resources efficiently. When creating a new zone, you’ll define the initial pod structure. Here’s what you need to know:

  1. Pod Characteristics:
  • Contains one or more clusters.
  • Represents a physical boundary (e.g., a data center or a rack).

2. Cluster Placement:

  • Clusters within a pod share the same network and storage resources.
  • Choose the right placement strategy based on your infrastructure needs.


Now, let’s delve into the heart of CloudStack networking: virtual networks. These logical constructs enable multi-tenancy on a single physical network. Here are the types of networks:

  1. Isolated Networks:
  • Accessed only by instances within a single account.
  • Dynamic allocation and garbage collection of resources (e.g., VLANs).
  • Upgradable/downgradable network offerings for the entire network.

2. Shared Networks:

  • Accessible by instances from multiple accounts.
  • Network isolation achieved through security groups (in Basic or Advanced Zones).
  • Administrators or end users can create shared networks.
  • Designate shared networks to specific domains.
  • Supports Source NAT per account.

3. Layer 2 (L2) Networks:

  • Provide network isolation without additional services (no virtual router).
  • End users can create L2 networks.
  • IP address assignment handled externally (e.g., user’s IPAM or static assignment).
  • User data and metadata passed to instances via config drives.


Setting up CloudStack networking involves configuring zones, pods, and networks strategically. As you explore these concepts, remember that each decision impacts your cloud infrastructure’s performance, scalability, and security. By demystifying these elements, you’ll empower users and enhance their cloud experience.

Happy networking! 🚀


  1. Apache CloudStack Documentation
  2. Overview of Setting Up Networking for Users
  3. Design, deploy, and configure your first CloudStack in a single ESXi box with advanced network (Published on November 26, 2014)

Disclaimer: This blog post is for educational purposes only and does not constitute professional advice. Always consult official documentation and best practices when implementing CloudStack networking in production environments. 😊🌟




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